

12/13/19 — Ada Broussard

Greetings and happy Friday!

This week we're keeping things brief with a few announcements. Four, to be specific.

Citrus so beautiful it belongs in a wreath (of carrot tops).

First, and perhaps most exciting, bulk citrus is here!

If you've been a CSA Member or Newsletter reader for a long time, you know that every fall brings the glorious time known as Texas citrus season. This is the only time of the year that we partner with another farm and bring their offerings to you in the form of organic Texas oranges and organic Texas Ruby Red Grapefruit - both coming from G&S Groves. We have worked with David and the farmers at G&S for many, many years, and are proud to offer their sweet and juicy citrus to our customers.

How to order:

CSA Members: you can add on 10 lb. bag of oranges or grapefruit (or both) to any  upcoming delivery by simply logging into your CSA account, clicking on an upcoming delivery, and choosing your citrus. Just make sure to hit "save changes" once you've made your selection. *If you'd like to go ahead and add citrus to all of your upcoming deliveries (orange juice for the masses!), feel free to email Faith and she can help you out - farm@jbgorganic.com.

Non Members: Simply head to this page and choose your citrus and pickup location!


A fresh harvest or Texas oranges and grapefruit from our friends at G and S Groves.

Moving right along to our second announcement: Fall Juice Boxes are here!

You may remember over the summer we brought back our popular juice boxes (not the kind you stick a straw into). These adult-sized produce boxes are chock-full of seasonal vegetables, especially picked for the home-juicer. Juice boxes are $15 for CSA Members (this is a steal!) and $20 for non-members. Boxes currently feature some of fall's best: carrots, kale, spinach, parsley, and of course, G&S citrus. To order a juice (or smoothie) box, simply email Faith - farm@jbgorganic.com.

Third: It's not too late to order farm gifts and get them in time for Christmas.

Gifting a few CSA boxes or even some Market Bucks is a wonderfully unique gift that says "I love you!" in addition to "please cook for me!".  Giving fresh and organic vegetables to those you love is truly a home-run gift. If you need some more convincing, here are 5 great reasons you should give a gift from the farm.

Last but not least, your CSA schedule changes for the holidays.

We love to work hard, but not on Christmas and New Years Day. The farm will be closed these two day, and so our delivery schedules will slightly different for the week beginning 12/23 and 12/30.

If you normally receive a home delivery on Wednesdays, you will get your box a day earlier (on Tuesday) for both the week of the 23rd and the 30th.

If you normally pickup your CSA share on Wednesdays, your delivery will instead be moved to Monday 12/23 for the week of Christmas and Monday 12/30 for the week of New Years. This goes for all Austin, San Antonio, and Houston CSA pickups. Everyone else, business as usual!
As a gentle reminder, if you don't need your CSA share during the holidays and haven't yet talked to Faith, consider donating your box instead of postponing it. All donated CSA shares go towards our Sponsored Share Program and are delivered to either The Settlement Home or Safeplace. In case you missed it, check out our recent blog post which highlights this program. We are so incredibly grateful for our CSA Members' generosity - this partnership wouldn't be possible without our incredible community. Thank you! And thanks for reading!